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Bernal Community Park, Pleasanton CA

Bernal Community Park

Augustin Bernal Community Park is a 237-acre open space community park in Pleasanton that offers visitors of all ages and abilities outdoor recreation and educational opportunities. The park, which is located on the top and east face of Pleasanton Ridge, offers hiking, biking, and equestrian trails with spectacular views, as well as opportunities to explore a remnant landscape that is disappearing in California. The park protects a valuable portion of the ridge and also secures a link in a "necklace of green" that nearly encircles San Francisco Bay, sharing large sections of its west, south, and north boundaries with East Bay Regional Park District's Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park.


Walter S. Johnson, a noted philanthropist and industrialist known for his generous support of the Palace of Fine Arts restoration in San Francisco, donated Augustin Bernal Community Park to the City of Pleasanton in 1971. He gave the land to the city with the understanding that it would be maintained and operated in perpetuity for public park and recreational purposes. The park is named after Augustin Bernal, a Spanish settler who held the original land grant for the property.

By Californiathegreat - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Vegetation and Habitat

To visit Augustin Bernal Community Park is to learn about the various landscapes that can coexist on a typical California site. There are mixed oak woodlands with Coyote Brush and Poison Oak on the park's steeper north-facing slopes. There are large areas of dense chaparral vegetation on the south-facing hillsides, including Coffeeberry, Monkey Flower, Toyon, and Chamise. The woodland thins out along the ridgeline, giving way to a savannah with annual grasses and scattered oak groves. Because much of the park has escaped the effects of grazing animals, many native species, such as large patches of California Fescue, a native bunch grass, have survived. In terms of seasonal color, visitors will appreciate the abundance of native wildflowers such as Baby Blue Eyes and Chinese Houses.

The Views

The views from the park are not to be overlooked. Views of the Sunol, Mission Peak, and Ohlone Wilderness areas can be seen from high points along the ridgetop. Visitors can see sweeping vistas of Kilkare Canyon and the east side of Sunol Ridge to the west. Views of the Livermore-Amador Valley are framed by branches of Oak and Buckeye on the Valley View Trail, with Mount Diablo as a backdrop.


Park Rules

  • The park is open during daylight hours
  • Dogs must be leashed at all times in any picnic area, gathering site, parking lot or paved roadway of the park
  • Dogs may be off leash in undeveloped areas of the park, provided the dog is under the control of the person responsible for the dog
  • No fires, fireworks, firearms or other weapons are permitted in the park
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted in the park
  • Do not remove or damage any tree, plant, or other natural materials found in the park. Do not remove or harm any bird or animal, either wild or  domesticated, in the park   
  • No overnight camping is allowed in the park, unless specially permitted by the Community Services Director


The Golden Eagle Staging Area and Parking Lot provide access to Augustin Bernal Community Park. The Staging Area is located at the upper end of Golden Eagle Way, past the Golden Eagle Farms residential development's control gate. Visitors must present a permit card at the control gate, which is available from the Pleasanton Community Services office during regular business hours. Pedestrian access (no permit required) is available from the park's north side via the Longview Drive cul-de-sac; however, parking is restricted to the lower south side of Longview Drive. Pedestrian access is also available from the Ridgeline Trail's northern and southern gates, as well as from the East Bay Regional Park District's Ridgeline Trail.

WARNINGS!—The trails of Augustin Bernal Community Park offer outstanding opportunities to study California ecology in its natural setting, but when hiking in the park be aware of certain plants and wildlife.

Pleasanton, California is blessed with some of the area's most amazing parks you shouldn't miss. Here's a list of some of our favorites:

  • Mission Hills Park
  • Bernal Community Park
  • Muirwood Community Park
  • Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park
  • Val Vista Park
  • Moller Park
  • Creekside Park
  • Alviso Adobe Community Park  
  • Amador Valley Park

All of these wonderful schools are located just a short distance from our amazing location at 4900 Hopyard Road, Suite 100 in Pleasanton! Stop by for a visit anytime!

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