Many people believe that domestic violence increases around the holidays. Domestic violence is an issue all year long in California but does not appear to have a peak around the holidays. However, the belief that there is a greater risk of domestic abuse around Thanksgiving or Christmas could increase the risk that someone is falsely accused of violence.
A false accusation may be enough for the accused to be arrested and subject to a temporary restraining order. If you are accused of domestic battery, do not try and fix the situation on your own. Taking matters into your own hands can make the outcome worse. Talk to an experienced East Bay DV defense attorney for advice.
Domestic Violence Statistics and Holidays
According to statistics from the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the number of domestic violence calls on holidays tends to be lower than average. In 2019, the average daily calls to the hotline compared to holiday-s calls included:
- Average number of calls per day: 870
- Number of calls on Thanksgiving Day: 467
- Number of calls on Christmas Eve: 630
- Number of calls on Christmas Day: 502
- Number of calls on New Year's Day: 771
More Domestic Violence Calls Involving Guns
According to the Public Policy Institute of California, the number of domestic violence calls appears to have plateaued in recent years.
"Statewide, the number of service calls received for domestic violence fell 24% between 2001 and 2013—from 198,000 calls to just over 151,000. Calls then began to trend upward, reaching just over 169,000 in 2017 before plateauing. Calls held steady in 2020 relative to 2019 at about 161,000—up 6% from 2013."
However, in 2020, there was a significant increase in the number of domestic violence incidents where guns were present. From 2013 to 2020, the number of domestic violence service calls involving firearms increased from 754 to 1,974.
In California, there is a mandatory arrest policy if the police believe domestic violence has taken place. Penalties for domestic battery can include fines and up to a year in prison. If the victim suffers a traumatic injury, the penalties can increase to 4 years in prison. In addition, the defendant may have to pay money to a battered women's shelter, attend domestic violence classes, lose their gun rights, and spend time on probation.
East Bay Criminal Defense
A domestic violence conviction can end up costing you a lot of money. Paying all the fines, fees, restitution, and costs of a batterer's treatment program can cost more than $10,000. You may be able to avoid those consequences by contacting an experienced domestic violence defense lawyer who can help you avoid a criminal record.
East Bay attorney Lynn Gorelick has more than 39 years of DUI and criminal defense experience and understands the consequences of a criminal record. Representing individuals and their families in Contra Costa and Alameda County, Lynn Gorelick is familiar with the local criminal defense laws, local officers, and the prosecutors involved. Contact East Bay criminal defense lawyer Lynn Gorelick today.
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